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Going for Gold

Reading Schools is a whole-school accreditation open to every school in Scotland. This article covers key themes of a Gold accreditation, with tips and inspiration from our community to get you started with your own award.

Type: Feature articles
Audience: Additional Support Needs, Primary, Secondary

The Gold level Reading Schools accreditation is all about sharing your own enthusiasm and expertise through building connections with your local community, carrying out joint projects and sharing the wonderful things you have been doing to build your successful reading culture with them.

When we talk about community engagement(this will open in a new window) in Gold, we are thinking of connections with people beyond the school gates, so local businesses, community groups, sports centres, local charity groups, care homes, the general public etc. We are not generally meaning teachers or parents within your school. You and your learners will know your local community best, and what kinds of groups or community venues exist and might be happy to pair up on a project with you.

Community connection is threaded throughout many of the Gold Key Areas in lots of different ways, with pupils sharing with the community (Key Areas 1.2.2, 3.2.1), teachers connecting and sharing with other schools (1.2.4 and 1.2.5), and shared community engagement, projects and events (1.2.1, 1.3.2, 2.5.1, 2.7.1)

Remember that, even if you are submitting within a year of a previous award, you will still be maintaining the ethos of all Key Areas from Core and Silver levels. This is because Reading Schools is designed to be catalyst for long term and sustainable change, that builds in layers. If you are moving up a level you will be expected to add some comments to let us know how you have sustained your previous Core and Silver actions, or if you’re aiming straight for a Gold accreditation as your first ever award, you will need to include evidence for all Core and Silver Framework actions(this will open in a new window) as well.

Brilliant community ideas from some of our Gold schools

Here are a few lovely Gold-specific ideas we have seen in past years. Not all of these projects cover all key areas, but they might help to inspire or prompt ideas for you and your school.

Handy hints for working on your Gold actions

Crossover evidence

Gathering quotes from your community

Small can be beautiful

Don't be afraid of failure

We hope you now feel ready to embark on your Reading Schools Gold accreditation, with some ideas from our community(this will open in a new window) to inspire your own journey.

Log in to view or start your Gold Action Plan now