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Raising the profile of reading with families at Maddiston Primary School

Read our community success story for ideas on how to involve families in your Reading Schools journey

Type: Case study
Audience: Additional Support Needs, Primary

We have loved watching Maddiston Primary School work their way up from Core, through Silver to Gold accreditation. Throughout their reading for pleasure journey, their family engagement efforts were outstanding. We asked them to share their tips for encouraging families to support reading skills at home.

In Maddiston Primary we have a strong reading schools culture, however, we still had a group of children who were reluctant to pick up a book and some parents reported that they struggled to get their children to read. We were unsure how to help with this at first. To address the issue, we created a video detailing four steps to promote reading at home:

Since then, the group of reluctant readers has reduced in size and parents are now more knowledgeable about ways to support their children. The video was shared with all parents and new Primary 1 pupils.

Watch the video on YouTube

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