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Why we love librarians

Reading Schools want to give a huge shout out to all the amazing librarians helping to encourage a love of reading in their schools and communities.

Type: Feature articles
Audience: Primary, Secondary
Hand pulling a book off a shelf

Librarians play a vital role in enriching children's lives at school and are critical to the delivery of many of our programmes, particularly the Reading Schools framework.

We know we're not the only ones who love librarians, so we've gathered together some quotes from schools shouting about their brilliant librarians for you to enjoy alongside how librarians impact the key framework areas.

Listening to their learners

In their role, librarians source a wide variety of up-to-date, relevant and engaging reading materials. They love having meaningful conversations around books, learning the needs and interests of learners to find reading material that will enthuse and excite readers.

'My friends and I are avid Manga fans and Mrs Agnew always consults with us about the best books to buy in. We love giving our recommendations.'

– A Reading Leader in Airdrie Academy

A librarian's enthusiasm and the easy access to high quality books normalises reading for pleasure and encourages young people to try new things.

'The librarian recommended a book called The Loop to me because she knows I like dystopian novels. It was so good, I asked her to order the second book in the series. Now I can't wait for the last book. […] My favourite author used to be Charlie MacKesy but now it's Ben Oliver!'

– A pupil from Falkirk High School

Recommending books

Librarians can recommend contemporary children's literature to fellow staff as well as pupils and help to stock classrooms with books that complement subject-specific teaching. This helps other staff across the school feel more confident to recommend and discuss books with their learners.

'When Mrs Bruce said she would buy some interesting and fun fiction and non-fiction books with a science theme for my classroom, I thought, is that possible? Can science books be fun? […] I had no idea there were such nice science themed books out there!'

– A science teacher at Graeme High School

Championing reading for pleasure across the school

By stocking their libraries and working to create a school environment that demonstrates reading has a high status in the school, learners see reading for pleasure as an appealing activity and feel the benefit of safe, supportive spaces that everyone can enjoy.

'I regularly use the library both during my English class and at intervals. It is one of my favourite places to be and there is always a great selection of books to choose from. The library is a place I can get away from it all and find a quiet corner to read.'

– A pupil from Airdrie Academy

Keep being fantastic, librarians!

On behalf of the pupils and colleagues you inspire, we want to thank librarians for your time, your enthusiasm and your knowledge.

'My go-to fountain of knowledge is […] our school librarian who is able to offer advice and suggestion in any genre and any subject area. The vast knowledge and enthusiasm she exudes when discussing the subject is infectious and has helped improve the reading culture within the school.'

– Business Manager at James Young High School