How to upload photo evidence
On each key area of your evidence plan, you have the option to add photo evidence.
You can upload up to 10 files at a time in any of the following formats, as long as they are all less than 10MB per file.
Accepted file types
To see what size or type your file is, find the file wherever it is saved on your computer and right click it, then click on properties.
Changing your file type
If you discover that your file is not one of the above file types, you will need to change it. Here are some quick tips to do this:
Errors uploading
When you receive errors using our file uploader, please ensure you’ve checked you meet all the above criteria and that you have a stable internet connection. You can always come back and try again later, and sometimes using a different internet browser (e.g. Firefox, Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge) can help. It might also be worth asking another contributor on your application to try uploading the file too. Follow our guidance on how to add a contributor to your application(this will open in a new window).
Still struggling to upload?
Get in touch with our team on will open in a new window) and we will do our best to help you troubleshoot the issue.