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Monitoring progress

Resource to support key area 3.2.2 Monitoring progress

Type: Training videos
Level: Core, Silver, Gold
Audience: Additional Support Needs, Primary, Secondary
Key area: 3.2.2 Monitoring progress

This resource supports the effective use of data; information you gather from your Reading Schools journey and how to use this to develop a sustainable and rewarding reading culture in your school.

Watch this short video to find out more about key area 3.2.2 Monitoring progress. This is part of our series of webinar shorts, 5 to 10 minute training videos focusing on each key area of the Reading Schools framework.

Data gathering can often be a daunting task, but it is essential in ensuring the activities you are planning meet the needs and interests of your learners. Capturing attitudes at various points along the way can offer valuable insight into your successes and where perhaps activities need to be tweaked in order to be both meaningful and impactful.

It's important to remember that anecdotal, or empirical, evidence is just as important and valuable as measuring reading attainment and ability. The success of experiences and opportunities you are bringing to your learners can be measured in smiles and excitement, so finding ways of capturing this too can add richness and colour to the data you share across your school community.

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