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Shared Practice: Celebrating your reading achievements (April 2024 recording)

A series of recorded interviews and accompanying presentation slides from a live session, to support schools with their celebration of reading for pleasure

Type: Training videos
Level: Core, Silver, Gold
Audience: Additional Support Needs, Primary, Secondary
Key area: 3.2.1 Rewarding progress and recognising personal achievements

This is a collection of two interviews, together with an introduction, from a live shared practice event held in April 2024 showcasing great practice examples of reading celebrations, with advice, top tips and pointers.

The recordings feature interviews with Harrysmuir Primary School's Kim Fairley and Scottish Book Trust's Maggie Still.

This content directly relates to key area 3.2.1 Rewarding progress and recognising personal achievements(this will open in a new window).

We recommend watching these recordings and downloading the presentation below if you are exploring ways to celebrate readership and reading for pleasure in your school.

Please visit our CLPL calendar(this will open in a new window) for other upcoming and recorded sessions.

Shared Practice: Celebrating your reading achievements presentation slides

Shared Practice: Celebrating you reading achievements


Clara Owen and Liam McCallum from Scottish Book Trust share the introductory presentation, with reference to the evidence base and some of the strategic approaches to celebrating reading for pleasure in schools.

Interview: Kim Fairley

Harrysmuir Primary School's Kim Fairley shares her school's accreditation journey from Core through to Gold and how a culture of celebrating reading sits at the heart of everything they do.

Interview: Maggie Still

Scottish Book Trust's School Communities Outreach Coordinator Maggie Still shares with us some of the great practice examples she has seen while visiting schools and offers some ideas, quick wins and tips for success!

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