Staff book club
Tips and ideas for setting up and running a staff book club

Running a staff book club is one activity you can run in your school to contribute to your Gold Reading Schools accreditation. You must also sustain Core and Silver level activities. For Gold accreditation, the framework states that:
'At Gold level schools should confirm they are creating opportunities for staff to explore, share and discuss contemporary children’s books.'
Running a staff book club shows that you are dedicated to increasing staff knowledge of children’s literature in your setting. This knowledge can be used to:
- Make informed and tailored recommendations
- Introduce pupils to a diverse range of formats and genres
- Inform lesson planning and project planning
- Create a support network and reading community across your school or setting
This resource contains a self-evaluation tool to help you assess your current knowledge of children’s literature, and help you identify potential gaps in your knowledge. You can return to this activity at any point during your staff book club to help you reflect on your professional development.
This resource also contains suggestions for running your book club, as well as activities to help keep the enthusiasm going.
Remember: the key to any successful book club is finding the right format, time and place to suit you and your colleagues. And, of course, reading great books. Use and adapt this resource as you see fit.
This resource relates directly to key area 1.2.5 Staff knowledge of contemporary children's literature(this will open in a new window)