Using Journey for a cross-curricular book project
Whole school activities inspired by the picture book Journey by Aaron Becker
Classroom resources
Core, Silver
Key area:
2.2.2 Interdisciplinary book projects

This resource contains differentiated cross-curricular activities for Early, First and Second levels, adaptable to use as part of a whole school core book project involving ideas to support:
- Creative writing
- Expressive arts: art, drama and music
- Health and wellbeing
- Critical thinking and problem solving
- Digital technology
- Skills for learning: visual literacy
Images are now used to quickly convey meaning, persuade and manipulate emotions and having the skills to interpret, negotiate and make meaning from information presented is an essential part of learning. Wordless picture books support visual learning by:
- Exploring how pictures can tell a story and images communicate meaning
- Developing listening and talking skills within literacy, involving a rich variety of vocabulary and oral storytelling
- Providing an effective bridge for EAL pupils within the learning process
- Engaging young and reluctant readers
- Raising awareness of author techniques when engaging readers in a book
This resource relates directly to key area 2.2.2 Interdisciplinary book projects.(this will open in a new window)
Related resources
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- Interdisciplinary book projects at Cathkin High School article(this will open in a new window)
- Using The Arrival for a cross-curricular book project(this will open in a new window)
- Using Tidy by Emily Gravett for a cross-curricular book project(this will open in a new window)
- Using The Hunger Games for a cross-curricular book project(this will open in a new window)