Using Tidy by Emily Gravett for a cross-curricular book project
Whole school activities inspired by the picture book Tidy by Emily Gravett
Classroom resources
Core, Silver
Key area:
2.2.2 Interdisciplinary book projects

This resource contains differentiated cross-curricular activities for Early, First and Second levels, adaptable to use as part of a whole school core book project involving ideas to support:
- Literacy
- Health and Well-being
- Modern Languages (French & Gaelic)
- Expressive Arts
- Sciences
- Maths
- Technologies
- Social Studies
- Religious and Moral Education
This resource relates directly to key area 2.2.2 Interdisciplinary book projects.(this will open in a new window)
Related resources
There are other interdisciplinary book project resources that you may also find of interest:
- Interdisciplinary book projects at Cathkin High School article(this will open in a new window)
- Using The Arrival for a cross-curricular book project(this will open in a new window)
- Using The Hunger Games for a cross-curricular book project(this will open in a new window)
- Using Journey for a cross-curricular book project(this will open in a new window)