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Webinar: Introduction to Reading Schools (September 2024 recording)

Recorded segments and accompanying presentation slides from a live session, to support schools commencing their Reading Schools journeys

Type: Training videos
Level: Core, Silver, Gold
Audience: Additional Support Needs, Primary, Secondary
Key area: 1.2.4 Staff development, 1.3.1 Whole school action plan, 3.2.2 Monitoring progress

This is a collection of two recorded elements from a live webinar held in September 2024 offering an introduction to the programme, together with advice, top tips and pointers.

The recordings feature an interview with Firth Primary School's School's Emma Jane Rendall and Lucy Clements.

This content is targeted at schools at the very beginning of their journey to accreditation.

We recommend watching these recordings and downloading the presentation below to explore the Reading Schools programme in more detail and to learn the steps involved. The presentation slide deck can be found below as a PDF, containing live hyperlinks and hyperlinked images taking you directly to the corresponding pages and resources on both the Reading Schools and Scottish Book Trust's websites.

Please visit our CLPL calendar(this will open in a new window) for other upcoming and recorded sessions.

Webinar: Introduction to Reading Schools

What is Reading Schools and how does it work?

Reading Schools' Clara Owen provides a general introduction to the programme, together with information about the underpinning framework, the journey to accreditation and what participation looks like in practice.

Interview: Emma Jane Rendall and Lucy Clemments

Firth Primary School's Emma Jane Rendall and Lucy Clements share their rural island school's experience of achieving Core accreditation.

Introduction to Reading Schools 2024 slides (PDF)

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